Wednesday, February 07, 2007

view from our hotel

This photo is looking out the front doors of our hotel. I'ts an apartment complex across the street and is very standard for the city. The big pipe you see running along side the building is the heat source. All of the heat comes from to big boiler type systems that run the whole city. The fuel for these is a residue of waxy parafin type stuff that is a by product of the oil refining process. I thought this picture would be cool because I think we take for granted how well we have it in the States. Things like running water and electricity are expected, and here everyone's happy when it's working. The people here take alot of pride on there appearance and the inside of there homes, but the outside of all of the buildings and the landscaping looks a little run down. It's kind of like putting nice rim's on a dodge neon. Driving here is like playing death race 2000. I think you get points for how close you can come to a pedestrian at 40mph (I mean kilometers per hour) The record so far is about 2", and thats normal.

Hope everyone is doing well. Stacey and I can't wait to share more pics of Luke. His the cutest little guy. We're hoping to get to play with him outside of the little bonding room soon.

Take Care,


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