Tuesday, February 20, 2007

IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! We finally have gotten through the legal process on our adoption. After a quick trial yesterday at the court house with the judge, prosecutor, director of education, and the orphanage doctor all present. It was very interesting going through a legal proceeding in a foreign country. We had stated as part of the reason for adopting from Kazakhstan is because it's a desert climate, like we have at home. The judge and prosecutor were laughing between themselves, like we were making it up. They think the U.S. is nothing but green trees and lush landscapes. They actually believed me after I showed them photo's of our yard :). It was extremely emotional to hear the judge approve the adoption and pronounce Luke's official name to be: Luke Ray Warner. We know have a 15 day waiting period and then a couple of items to take care on his passport and we're on our way home baby!!!!

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